I am a Robotics Master's student in UCR with a passion for robotics and all its fields, where I constantly learn through projects that push my knowledge in robotics software like navigation and mapping, embedded design and mechanical design.
Skills: Robotics Operating System (ROS), C++, OpenCV, Navigation and Mapping, CAD 


Click on the photos to see more details

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Leaf Picking Robot (Work in progress for Robotics Conference)  

Current research project where my work consist of designing, building and implementing computer vision, mapping algorithms and manipulator control to extract a leaf from a tree

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Artificial Intelligence: Behavioral cloning for a real-time lane following robot using camera feedback 

Teaching a robot using behavioral cloning and neural networks to learn how to drive and follow the lane using only camera feedback

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Research Paper at SPIE 2021

 SPIE 2021 research paper called "Autonomous object manipulation and transportation using a mobile service robot equipped with an RGB-D and LiDAR sensor"

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Motor control with embedded systems and ROS  - C++ Nanodegree (Capstone Project)

A PID system for velocity control using ROS and Embedded microcontroller.

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Multi-robot formation control architecture (Theoretical implementation) 

Exploring how formation control over multiple robots both in 2D space and 3D space communicate to coordinate and follow a trajectory

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Smart hydroponics monitoring system for urban cities

The implementation of a hydroponics systems with a monitoring system that allows the user to monitor important variables of their system and conditions to maximize crop yeild and health

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Research Paper at SPIE 2020

Second Research paper  presented , called " Mapping and navigation in an unknown environment using LiDAR for mobile service robots"

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Inteligent Ground Vehicle Competition 2021

An international competition to create vehicles that go through obstacles while driving in a lane. Early stages of Robot Design (Inventor) and Simulation (ROS and Gazebo).

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Research Paper at SPIE 2019

First Research Paper presented at SPIE 2019, with the aim to implement the A* algorithm and a LIDAR for obstacle avoidance.

Lane Following Robot

Lane following robot using OpenCV for visual processing and a PID control loop for steering. Implemented using ROS and a Raspberry Pi.

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Arliss competition (2018 & 2019)

International Competition that consist of creating a rover that will be launched 4 miles into the air, deploy a parachute and navigate across the dessert to a waypoint.

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Cansat competition (2017 & 2018)

Pico-satellites the size of a can, with a specific mission validated by the data that it acquired during a rocket launch.

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Drone development

Development of a drone from scratch using recycled materials form other drones and materials accessible in Mexico.

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Founder: Quantum Engineering Organization

An In-school organization to inspire students to create projects and create opportunities to compete in international competitions.  

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2543 TitanBot member (FIRST)

Member and head of Electrical and Mechanical Design, with the opportunity to go to Championships 2 years.

Volunteer work

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Create Purpose

Volunteer and social service in the non-profit company "Create Purpose" that helps orphanages in Tijuana. Worked in the the planning and creation of automated hydroponic systems that can provide sustainable food to such orphanages.

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We Do & Care

An event to promote the STEM fields to girls in the community, breaking the stereotypes through conferences of important women in the field and workshops.

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FRC mentor
